Are You Experiencing Swelling And Pain Because Of A Tooth Problem? 3 Remedies You Can Implement At Home

Are You Experiencing Swelling And Pain Because Of A Tooth Problem? 3 Remedies You Can Implement At Home

28 November 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Few things are more painful than an infected tooth accompanied by gum swelling. It occurs when the soft part inside the tooth dies and becomes inflamed. Bacteria can also access the pulp cavity and set off the decay. Moreover, pockets of pus may form around the tooth root, causing localized and painful swellings. You need to book an appointment with your dental practitioner immediately, and you may follow the following steps to help alleviate the pain of an abscessed tooth.

Room Temperature Food and Drinks

A swollen and infected gum is extremely sensitive to changes in temperature. Furthermore, dentin is likely to be damaged if you have swelling. This inner part of the tooth can be especially reactive to sudden temperature changes in its environment. Thus, you need to avoid cold drinks, ice cream, as well as hot food and beverages. To this end, wait until they either cool down or warm up to room temperature before you put any in your mouth.

Get Some Pain Relievers

Treat tooth swelling as a dental health emergency. So, look for your recommended brand of pain reliever to manage the pain as you find a dentist close to you. The painkillers work on the brain receptors and enable you to feel like the pain has resolved within a relatively short time. However, if the tooth is decayed, the pain will return when the pain reliever wears out. Significantly, you must not place the painkiller medication on top of the tooth in an effort to speed up the pain relief. In many cases, this can burn your gum and worsen the pain. The same goes for locally applied painkillers, which can exacerbate the inflammation and make it more difficult to recover.

Clean Around the Painful Area

The pain resulting from swelling worsens when food particles become lodged between your teeth. Fortunately, you can floss your teeth to remove the food particles and, consequently, provide some relief from the pain. Some mild brands of mouthwash can also counteract the bacteria and other substances that are heightening the pain. Notably, a warm rinse with salt water will do the same trick as the mouthwash.

In addition to these, sleeping with your head elevated can help ease the pain from a tooth abscess. Nonetheless, getting a dentist to assess your condition and resolve the problem is the ultimate solution to the swelling. They will run tests to determine the root cause of the pain and administer effective treatment.

To learn more, visit a professional dentist in your area.

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Drill Into It

The idea of a dentist drilling into your tooth is probably not very appealing. However, drilling is a necessary part of having a cavity filled. Another way to put this would be to say it's something unpleasant that has to happen before something pleasant can happen. The more you learn about dentistry, the more these unpleasant parts will start to make sense. They may not be fun in the moment, but they help you out. We hope to shed more light on this perspective as we write articles on this blog. Read what we have written, and enjoy the educational content.
